Agstaff Updated – December 2017

Well, Spring is over and we have now hit Summer with a bang. We all love Summer, especially following on from record rainfalls in the Winter and one of the warmest springs in many years. Driving around Ashburton district, we are noticing the land being nearly as dry as our February usually is. We are now all crossing our fingers for a good rain to ease this dryness. Ashburton have already started to put water restrictions in town. I can’t remember when this last happened this early into Spring/Summer.

Rouging is full throttle now with our Agstaff division and it’s certainly keeping our team on their toes. Plenty of work and pretty much straight through so far. Normally we might have a day or two off during the week with wet weather!

We have also seen record cherry and strawberry harvesting and with apricots now ready to harvest in the central Otago, I do believe this is the first time since early 80’s for a harvest this early.

Please make sure your staff have hats and sunscreen on. Keep safe over the Christmas break.

Remember, whether you need a job, or staff for four hours or four months, give the good buggers at Agstaff a call for all your staffing solutions.

Merry Christmas from the Agstaff team.

Blair O’Donnell


Event for agricultural workers in Ashburton

Agstaff have caught wind of an exciting event being hosted by NZ Dairy Careers in Ashburton next week:

Padraig Madden and John Bronson from Farm Relief Services are coming to New Zealand in partnership with NZ Dairy Careers to promote agricultural opportunities available to young people.

Come and learn about life in Ireland and what you will gain from working and experiencing this amazing country.

All agricultural workers are welcome.


MCRU were proud to host Agstaff and other sponsors at the annual calf fundraising celebration dinner. It was a fantastic evening from start to finish with prizes and an awesome buffet from Hotel Ashburton. The icing on the cake was hearing from calf guru Chris Ford, and inspirational speaker Reon Nolan – the room was still as Reon told his life story from a lost little boy to a leader in youth support, cycling and all round amazing chap.